Doctor Profile Videos - Monash IVF

We’ve been working with the great team at Monash IVF to highlight the great work of their incredible team and showcase their state of the art facilities.

Deliverables have included hero videos and social edits to introduce individual doctors, overview video content for the Monash IVF facilities at Cremorne as well as the capture of lab and surgery footage for use in traditional news broadcast (VNR).

Made by Relatable Creative.

Client: Monash IVF

Director & Cinematographer: Levi Ingram



Behind the Scenes

It’s always great when we get a bit of bts footage. Here’s a look at some of what goes into filming a video like our profile of Prof. Luk Rombauts!


VNR (Video News Release) Example

Example of the VNR footage in use in a Channel 7 news broadcast about new IVF techniques. Note this piece was produced by Channel 7 and features their interviews and footage, Relatable Creative only captured the laboratory footage featured within this piece.



Wall Drawing Series